Monday, May 3, 2010

Boyfriend Cries in Bed


Dear Rebecca Lu,
By complete accident, I had sex on the second date with a handsome guy who seemed wonderful. (It was Easter.) It turns out, he has erection problems and is very depressed. I was trying to...I am not sure how graphic I can be here...trying to get him to full throttle, and believe me I worked and worked and tried things I never imagined myself trying, especially on a second date. He started talking about his ex-wife and crying right there in bed. I stopped for a second because my jaw was clicking, and the crying was starting to unnerve me. I tried to make light of the situation so he wouldn't be too embarassed. I said, "Can't a girl just ____ a ____?" He said that was offensive and he would take me home. What the hell can I do now?
San Antonio, Texas

Dear Melissa,

Sex by accident? What the hell? Did he slip on a marshmallow Peeps chicken while you were hunting for eggs? What you can do is not have sex with people you don't know, and especially people who don't appreciate your sense of humor. Yes, sweet Melissa, a girl can just ____ a ____ and most men are perfectly delighted with any and all efforts. And see a dentist about the jaw clicking thing, probably TMJ, if not TMI.
Rebecca Lu Kiernan


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